A importância da brinquedoteca na educação infantil: um estudo de caso
Nível teórico
Título do Períodico
Evidência: Olhares e Pesquisa em Saberes Educacionais
Araxá, MG
A brinquedoteca é um espaço que vem se desenvolvendo e tem se tornado popular nas escolas, embora ainda não exista em grande parcela delas. As atividades lúdicas criam laços da criança com a realidade, proporcionando-lhe, assim, a oportunidade de simular situações e conflitos de sua vida social, dentro e fora da família, daí a relevância somada à Brinquedoteca nas escolas. Este artigo irá identificar a importância do uso da BiblioBrinquedoteca/Brinquedoteca na educação, como forma de promover o desenvolvimento infantil, o conhecimento e o aprendizado para as crianças. Será relatada, de forma
sucinta, a história da Brinquedoteca, mostrar-se-á também a função da Brinquedoteca em creches e escolas infantis e, por fim, se demonstrará a função pedagógica da BiblioBrinquedoteca, a partir de um estudo de caso. Por meio da análise teórica e do relato de experiência, pode-se concluir que a brinquedoteca é um espaço que valoriza um aspecto fundamental do cotidiano infantil e constitui-se como um espaço privilegiado para a produção de conhecimento sobre a infância e o desenvolvimento infantil.
The toy library is a space that has been developing and has become popular in schools, although it still does not exist in a large part of them. Playful activities create bonds between the child and reality, thus providing him with the opportunity to simulate situations and conflicts of his social life, inside and outside the family, hence the importance added to the Toy Library in schools. This article will identify the importance of using the BiblioBrinquedoteca/Toy Library in education, as a way of promoting child development, knowledge and learning for children. The history of the Toy Library will be succinctly reported, the function of the Toy Library in day care centers and children’s schools will also be shown and finally, the pedagogical function of the BiblioBrinquedoteca will be demonstrated, based on a case study. Through theoretical analysis and experience report, it can be concluded that the toy library is a space that values a fundamental aspect of children’s daily life and constitutes a privileged space for the production of knowledge about childhood and child development.
The toy library is a space that has been developing and has become popular in schools, although it still does not exist in a large part of them. Playful activities create bonds between the child and reality, thus providing him with the opportunity to simulate situations and conflicts of his social life, inside and outside the family, hence the importance added to the Toy Library in schools. This article will identify the importance of using the BiblioBrinquedoteca/Toy Library in education, as a way of promoting child development, knowledge and learning for children. The history of the Toy Library will be succinctly reported, the function of the Toy Library in day care centers and children’s schools will also be shown and finally, the pedagogical function of the BiblioBrinquedoteca will be demonstrated, based on a case study. Through theoretical analysis and experience report, it can be concluded that the toy library is a space that values a fundamental aspect of children’s daily life and constitutes a privileged space for the production of knowledge about childhood and child development.
Brinquedoteca, Educação infantil, Escola, Toy library, Child education, School
MARTINS, Denise Ferreira Camargos. A importância da brinquedoteca na educação infantil: um estudo de caso. Evidência: Olhares e Pesquisa em Saberes Educacionais, p. 93-105. 2022. Disponível em: https://ojs.uniaraxa.edu.br/index.php/evidencia/article/view/848/942. Acesso em: 2024-07-17