A inclusão através dos jogos cooperativos e competitivos nas APAEs
Nível teórico
Título do Períodico
Evidência: Olhares e Pesquisa em Saberes Educacionais
Araxá, MG
Durante séculos, pessoas com deficiência foram alvo de muitos preconceitos e discriminações. Atualmente, a educação especial vem ganhando batalhas contra este senso errôneo. No espaço escolar, a inclusão é a peça chave para o sucesso do aluno. Diante disso, apresentou-se à problemática: qual é a importância da inclusão através dos jogos cooperativos e competitivos para o aluno deficiente? Objetivamos analisar a importância da inclusão através dos jogos cooperativos e competitivos nas APAES; a relação e as diferenças existentes entre eles; a importância da formação e das metodologias usadas pelos docentes para o sucesso do ensino/aprendizagem do aluno apontando os benefícios que os jogos proporcionam à qualidade de vida dos alunos. Este artigo utilizou-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, com abordagem qualitativa. Acreditamos que as inclusões através dos jogos e das metodologias empregadas pelo docente, refletem no pleno desenvolvimento psicossocial do aluno.
For centuries, people with disabilities have been the target of many prejudices and discrimination. Currently, special education is gaining ground against this erroneous sense. In the school space, inclusion is the key to student success. In view of this, the problem is presented: what is the importance of including cooperative and competitive games for the disabled student? We aim to analyze the inclusion of the inclusion of cooperative and competitive games in APAES; the relationship and how differences between them; the importance of training and methodologies used by teachers for the success of student teaching / learning due to the benefits that games provide to students’ quality of life. This article uses a bibliographic search, with a qualitative approach. We believe that the inclusions through the games and of the methodologies employed by the professor, reflect in full development psychosocial to student.
For centuries, people with disabilities have been the target of many prejudices and discrimination. Currently, special education is gaining ground against this erroneous sense. In the school space, inclusion is the key to student success. In view of this, the problem is presented: what is the importance of including cooperative and competitive games for the disabled student? We aim to analyze the inclusion of the inclusion of cooperative and competitive games in APAES; the relationship and how differences between them; the importance of training and methodologies used by teachers for the success of student teaching / learning due to the benefits that games provide to students’ quality of life. This article uses a bibliographic search, with a qualitative approach. We believe that the inclusions through the games and of the methodologies employed by the professor, reflect in full development psychosocial to student.
Deficiência, Inclusão, Jogos cooperativos e competitivos, Disability, Inclusion, Cooperative and competitive games
CURY JÚNIOR, Célio; NEVES JÚNIOR, Cláudio Luiz; ALMEIDA, Bruno Leandro de; ANDRINO, Samir. A inclusão através dos jogos cooperativos
e competitivos nas APAEs. Evidência: Olhares e Pesquisa em Saberes Educacionais, p. 39-54. 2021. Disponível em: https://ojs.uniaraxa.edu.br/index.php/evidencia/article/view/711/678. Acesso em: 2024-07-17