Os modelos de negócio para a publicação de livros em acesso aberto por editoras universitárias brasileiras
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RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação
pt, en
Campinas, SP
Introdução: existe crescente tendência entre as Editoras Universitárias Brasileiras (EUB) publicar livros científicos e acadêmicos em acesso aberto, disponibilizando-os on-line como e-books. Para tal, as EUB adotam um ou mais modelo de negócio, especialmente focados na forma de financiar a editoração e publicação de livros em acesso aberto. Objetivo: Descrever os modelos de negócio utilizados pelas EUB para a publicação de e-books acadêmicos e científicos em acesso aberto. Metodologia: Foi realizada pesquisa documental com levantamento das políticas editoriais dispostas nos websites de 92 EUB de instituições de ensino superior públicas brasileiras. Na maioria dos casos, a partir da leitura e análise dos documentos e informações disponíveis nos websites, foi possível identificar os modelos de negócio adotados. Também foi aplicado um questionário às EUB para captar alguns dados sobre os modelos adotados, que suplementaram as informações não encontradas nos websites das editoras; foram retornados 36 questionários preenchidos. Resultados: Foi identificado que 94,6% das editoras participantes publicam livros em acesso aberto, exclusivamente ou associado às vendas de livros (impressos e e-books). Verificou-se modelos de negócios adotados para subsidiar as atividades editoriais e para as publicações abertas: financiamento institucional, subsídios cruzados, concessão de financiamento de pesquisa e/ou bolsas, infraestrutura compartilhada, parcerias com bibliotecas universitárias, doações financeiras, taxa de processamento de livro, liberação, híbrido e período de embargo. Conclusão: A pesquisa aponta que, ao aderirem-se ao movimento da ciência aberta e acesso aberto para a publicação de livros, as EUB adotam práticas editoriais inovadoras, mas enfrentam desafios no que tange à sua sustentabilidade financeira.
Introduction: There is a growing trend among Brazilian University Presses (BUPs) to publish scientific and academic books in open access, making them available online. To this end, the BUPs adopt one or more business models, especially focussed on how to finance the publishing of books. Objective: The research here presented aimed to describe the business models and sources of funding used by the BUPs to fund the publication of academic and scientific e-books in open access. Methodology: Document research was carried out to survey the editorial policies accessible from the websites of 92 BUPs of Brazilian public higher education institutions. In most cases, after analysing the documents available on the websites, it was possible to identify the business models adopted for open access publishing. A questionnaire was also applied to the BUPs to identify, from the semi-structured questions, other details on the business models, which supplemented information not found on the university press websites. Results: The results reveal that 94.6% of participating BUPs publish books in open access, exclusively or associated with print book sales. The following business models adopted to finance editorial activities and open book publications were identified: institutional funding, cross-subsidies, grants, shared infrastructure, partnerships with university libraries, donations, book processing fees, release, hybrid and embargo period publishing. Conclusion: The research shows that, by aligning themselves to the open science movement in general and open access movement for book publishing specifically, BUPs adopt innovative editorial practices, but face challenges in terms of their financial sustainability.
Introduction: There is a growing trend among Brazilian University Presses (BUPs) to publish scientific and academic books in open access, making them available online. To this end, the BUPs adopt one or more business models, especially focussed on how to finance the publishing of books. Objective: The research here presented aimed to describe the business models and sources of funding used by the BUPs to fund the publication of academic and scientific e-books in open access. Methodology: Document research was carried out to survey the editorial policies accessible from the websites of 92 BUPs of Brazilian public higher education institutions. In most cases, after analysing the documents available on the websites, it was possible to identify the business models adopted for open access publishing. A questionnaire was also applied to the BUPs to identify, from the semi-structured questions, other details on the business models, which supplemented information not found on the university press websites. Results: The results reveal that 94.6% of participating BUPs publish books in open access, exclusively or associated with print book sales. The following business models adopted to finance editorial activities and open book publications were identified: institutional funding, cross-subsidies, grants, shared infrastructure, partnerships with university libraries, donations, book processing fees, release, hybrid and embargo period publishing. Conclusion: The research shows that, by aligning themselves to the open science movement in general and open access movement for book publishing specifically, BUPs adopt innovative editorial practices, but face challenges in terms of their financial sustainability.
Acesso aberto, Editoras universitárias brasileiras, Livros eletrônicos, Modelos de Negócio, University press, Open access, Books, Business Models
AMARAL, Fatima Beatriz Manieiro do; FURNIVAL, Chloe. Os modelos de negócio para a publicação de livros em acesso aberto por editoras universitárias brasileiras. Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação. Campinas, SP, v. 21, p. e023010. 2023-08-02. 10.20396/rdbci.v21i00.8673169. Disponível em: https://www.scielo.br/j/rdbci/a/DgjhYsyN4bv3jTMkP4HxR8N/?format=pdf&lang=pt. Acesso em: 2024-05-24