Curadoria de objetos digitais acessíveis na Rede Brasileira de Estudos e Acervos Adaptados - REBECA
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RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação
pt, en
Campinas, SP
Introdução: Da produção constante e escalonada de Objetos Digitais Acessíveis emerge a preocupação com a gestão e preservação digital destes, de forma a evitar perdas e garantir o acesso a longo prazo a eles. Objetivo: A pesquisa descrita neste artigo buscou identificar ações de Curadoria Digital que estejam sendo implementadas pelas Instituições integrantes da Rede Brasileira de Estudos e Acervos Adaptados (REBECA). Metodologia: Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos, caracterizou-se como uma pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa. Como instrumento de coleta de dados, foi aplicado um questionário, com dezessete questões, elaborado com base no modelo de ciclo de vida para curadoria digital DCC&U. Resultados: Verificou-se que as ações de curadoria ou de preservação digital não são executadas de maneira uniforme na Rede. Porém, apesar de não haver uma padronização, todas as ações que se configuram como etapas do ciclo de vida da curadoria digital foram identificadas em pelo menos uma IES, sendo as mais frequentes: a participação e monitoramento da comunidade e a descrição e representação da informação, por meio da especificação e atribuição de metadados aos objetos digitais acessíveis produzidos. Conclusão: A curadoria e preservação digital são ainda assuntos emergentes nas discussões da Rede, apesar de muitas das ações presentes nos modelos de ciclo de vida de curadoria já serem realizadas no processo de produção dos Objetos Digitais Acessíveis.
Introduction: From the constant and staggered production of Accessible Digital Objects, the concern with their digital management and preservation emerges, to avoid losses and guarantee long-term access to them. Objective: The research described in this article sought to identify Digital Curation actions being implemented by the Institutions that are part of the Brazilian Network of Studies and Adapted Collections (REBECA). Methodology: As for the methodological procedures, it was characterized as descriptive research, with a quantitative and qualitative approach. As a data collection instrument, a questionnaire was applied, with seventeen questions, elaborated based on the DCC&U digital curation lifecycle model. Results: It was found that curatorship or digital preservation actions are not performed uniformly across the Network. However, although there is no standardization, all actions that are configured as stages of the digital curation life cycle were identified in at least one HEI, the most frequent being: community participation and monitoring and the description and representation of information, through the specification and attribution of metadata to the produced accessible digital objects. Conclusion: Digital curation and preservation are still emerging issues in the Network's discussions, even though many of the actions present in the curatorship lifecycle models are already carried out in the production process of Accessible Digital Objects.
Introduction: From the constant and staggered production of Accessible Digital Objects, the concern with their digital management and preservation emerges, to avoid losses and guarantee long-term access to them. Objective: The research described in this article sought to identify Digital Curation actions being implemented by the Institutions that are part of the Brazilian Network of Studies and Adapted Collections (REBECA). Methodology: As for the methodological procedures, it was characterized as descriptive research, with a quantitative and qualitative approach. As a data collection instrument, a questionnaire was applied, with seventeen questions, elaborated based on the DCC&U digital curation lifecycle model. Results: It was found that curatorship or digital preservation actions are not performed uniformly across the Network. However, although there is no standardization, all actions that are configured as stages of the digital curation life cycle were identified in at least one HEI, the most frequent being: community participation and monitoring and the description and representation of information, through the specification and attribution of metadata to the produced accessible digital objects. Conclusion: Digital curation and preservation are still emerging issues in the Network's discussions, even though many of the actions present in the curatorship lifecycle models are already carried out in the production process of Accessible Digital Objects.
Curadoria digital, Objetos digitais acessíveis, Acessibilidade informacional, Modelo de ciclo de vida, Rede REBECA, Digital curation, Accessible digital objects, Informational accessibility, Lifecycle model, REBECA Network
VIEIRA, Shirley Pimentel; SIEBRA, Sandra de Albuquerque. Curadoria de objetos digitais acessíveis na Rede Brasileira de Estudos e Acervos Adaptados - REBECA. Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação. Campinas, SP, v. 21, p. e023016. 2023-08-19. 10.20396/rdbci.v21i00.8672665. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2024-05-13