Educação popular em Campinas – SP: A Escola Corrêa de Mello
Nível teórico
Título do Períodico
Evidência: Olhares e Pesquisa em Saberes Educacionais
Araxá, MG
Em Campinas, SP, em meados do século XIX começam a existir escolas para atender ao movimento que ocorria no cenário econômico brasileiro. Vejamos a história desse movimento, detendo-nos na criação de uma escola popular que começou na cidade ainda no tempo do Império, entrou no período republicano, viveu inúmeras décadas, teve seu prédio de bela arquitetura demolido, sofreu grandes dificuldades e sobrevive: Escola “Corrêa de Mello”. O trabalho parte de informações sobre a educação em geral e sobre a pessoa de Joaquim Corrêa de Mello, analisa os dados históricos disponíveis e vale-se de depoimento pessoal da autora desta comunicação. Apadrinhado por Álvares Machado, chega a Campinas um jovem que se torna farmacêutico em 1834 pela faculdade de Farmácia do
Rio de Janeiro. Seu nome: Joaquim Corrêa de Mello, que se destaca com pesquisas sobre a flora da região e descoberta de medicações decorrentes dessa flora. Após seu falecimento e dada sua marcante atuação junto às crianças, especialmente as pobres, pessoas influentes
da cidade decidiram fazer uma escola com seu nome para continuar sua benemerência. A escola é posta a funcionar em 1881, oito anos antes da Proclamação da República, no então Largo Jurumberal, posteriormente rebatizado de Largo Corrêa de Mello em frente ao
atual Mercado Municipal (conhecido como “Mercadão”). Torna-se municipal em 1889 e funciona até 1963 quando sua bela construção projetada por Ramos de Azevedo, tomando todo o quarteirão, é demolida e o local transforma-se em terminal de ônibus. A escola vive anos em vários lugares no bairro chamado São Bernardo e apenas em 1976 é reinaugurada em prédio próprio no bairro Parque Universitário. Hoje, após lutas e múltiplos esforços funciona como a maior escola municipal e com qualidade de ensino elogiada, voltada ao papel histórico fundamental de sua origem.
In Campinas, SP, Brazil, in the mid-nineteenth century, took place a strong movement to join Brazilian trend to create schools for popular education. This movement began in Campinas at Empire period, entered the Republican one, followed for various decades, but the chief building of its architecture has been demolished. It was the School “Corrêa de Mello”, that, despite great dificulties, still survives. The work is based on information about education in general and about the person of Joaquim Corrêa de Mello, analyzes the available historical data and is also based on personal testimony of the author of this communication. Sponsored by Álvares Machado, a young man arrives in Campinas who became a pharmacist in 1834 by the Faculty of Pharmacy of Rio de Janeiro. Its name: Joaquim Corrêa de Mello, who stands out with research on the flora of the region and discovery of medications resulting from this flora. After his death and given his remarkable performance with children, especially the poor, influential people of the city decided to make a school with his name to continue his benemerence. The school was put into operation in 1881, eight years before the Proclamation of the Republic, in the Jurumberal Square, later renamed Largo Corrêa de Mello in front of the current Municipal Market (known as “Mercadão”). It became municipal in 1889 and runs until 1963 when its beautiful construction designed by Ramos de Azevedo, taking the entire block, is demolished and the site becomes a bus terminal. The school lives for years in various places in the neighborhood called São Bernardo and only in 1976 is reopened in its own building in the Parque Universitário neighborhood. Today, after struggles and multiple efforts it functions as the largest municipal school with praised teaching quality, focused on the fundamental historical role of its origin.
In Campinas, SP, Brazil, in the mid-nineteenth century, took place a strong movement to join Brazilian trend to create schools for popular education. This movement began in Campinas at Empire period, entered the Republican one, followed for various decades, but the chief building of its architecture has been demolished. It was the School “Corrêa de Mello”, that, despite great dificulties, still survives. The work is based on information about education in general and about the person of Joaquim Corrêa de Mello, analyzes the available historical data and is also based on personal testimony of the author of this communication. Sponsored by Álvares Machado, a young man arrives in Campinas who became a pharmacist in 1834 by the Faculty of Pharmacy of Rio de Janeiro. Its name: Joaquim Corrêa de Mello, who stands out with research on the flora of the region and discovery of medications resulting from this flora. After his death and given his remarkable performance with children, especially the poor, influential people of the city decided to make a school with his name to continue his benemerence. The school was put into operation in 1881, eight years before the Proclamation of the Republic, in the Jurumberal Square, later renamed Largo Corrêa de Mello in front of the current Municipal Market (known as “Mercadão”). It became municipal in 1889 and runs until 1963 when its beautiful construction designed by Ramos de Azevedo, taking the entire block, is demolished and the site becomes a bus terminal. The school lives for years in various places in the neighborhood called São Bernardo and only in 1976 is reopened in its own building in the Parque Universitário neighborhood. Today, after struggles and multiple efforts it functions as the largest municipal school with praised teaching quality, focused on the fundamental historical role of its origin.
História, Educação popular, Escola, History, Popular education, School
CASTANHO, Maria Eugênia. Educação popular em Campinas – SP:
A Escola Corrêa de Mello. Evidência: Olhares e Pesquisa em Saberes Educacionais, p. 15-21. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2024-07-17