A educação como ética e a ética como educação em Kierkegaard e Paulo Freire
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Revista da FAEEBA - Educação e Contemporaneidade
Kierkegaard e Paulo Freire se posicionam criticamente em relação às concepções vigentes, nas respectivas épocas, da educação e da ética. Elas estão a serviço do poder e do ajustamento social; mas, dialeticamente, será a partir da educação e da ética que os homens em processo de inconclusividade e de inacabamento poderão construir estratégias para superarem as barreiras que impedem a construção da dignidade humana e da justiça social. Este artigo estabelece um confronto e um encontro entre os dois pensadores do profundo do humano. Eles não se conheceram, mas dialogam por meio dos discípulos kierkegaardianos como Sartre, Jaspers, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Gabriel Marcel, entre outros que são muito familiares a Freire, e por causa dessa comunicação indireta as principais categorias freireanas como subjetividade, intersubjetividade, dialogicidade, alteridade, amorosidade, educação, ética, homem, inacabamento, inconclusividade, responsabilidade, transcendência e dialética, têm uma interface e uma proximidade que permite, mantendo as diferenças, um encontro fecundo e frutífero para discutir novas possibilidades e potencialidades para a ética e para a educação. O objetivo central deste artigo é refletir, a partir dessas categorias, se e em que medida é possível a educação como ética e a ética como educação. E para a realização desse escopo utilizou-se a metodologia bibliográfica e analítica.
Kierkegaard and Paulo Freire stand critically on the current concepts of education and ethics in the respective periods. They are at the service of power and social adjustment; but dialectically it will be from education and ethics that men in the process of inconclusiveness and unfinishedness may build strategies to overcome obstacles that hinder the construction of human dignity and social justice. This article establishes a confrontation and a meeting between the two thinkers of the depth of human nature. They have not met, but dialogue through their Kierkegaardian disciples as Sartre, Jaspers, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Gabriel Marcel, and others that are very familiar to Freire. And because of this indirect communication, the main Freirian characteristics as subjectivity, intersubjectivity, dialogism, alterity, lovingness, education, ethics, man, incompleteness, inconclusiveness, responsibility, transcendence, dialectic 2013have an interface and a proximity which allows, keeping the differences, a fruitful and prolific meeting to discuss new possibilities and potentialities for ethics and for education. The main objective of this paper is to reflect upon these categories and analyse if and to which extent it is possible education as ethics and ethics as education. In order to reach our objective, our study was developed through the analytical and bibliographical methods.
Kierkegaard and Paulo Freire stand critically on the current concepts of education and ethics in the respective periods. They are at the service of power and social adjustment; but dialectically it will be from education and ethics that men in the process of inconclusiveness and unfinishedness may build strategies to overcome obstacles that hinder the construction of human dignity and social justice. This article establishes a confrontation and a meeting between the two thinkers of the depth of human nature. They have not met, but dialogue through their Kierkegaardian disciples as Sartre, Jaspers, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Gabriel Marcel, and others that are very familiar to Freire. And because of this indirect communication, the main Freirian characteristics as subjectivity, intersubjectivity, dialogism, alterity, lovingness, education, ethics, man, incompleteness, inconclusiveness, responsibility, transcendence, dialectic 2013have an interface and a proximity which allows, keeping the differences, a fruitful and prolific meeting to discuss new possibilities and potentialities for ethics and for education. The main objective of this paper is to reflect upon these categories and analyse if and to which extent it is possible education as ethics and ethics as education. In order to reach our objective, our study was developed through the analytical and bibliographical methods.
Kierkegaard, Paulo Freire, Segunda ética, Educação, Kierkegaard, Paulo Freire, Second ethics, Education
ALMEIDA, Jorge Miranda. A educação como ética e a ética como educação em Kierkegaard e Paulo Freire. Revista da FAEEBA - Educação e Contemporaneidade, Salvador, v. 22, n. 39, p. 105-116, jan/jun. 2013. 10.21879/faeeba2358-0194.2013.v22.n39.p%p. Disponível em: http://www.revistas.uneb.br/index.php/faeeba/article/view/331. Acesso em: 2022-03-08