A responsabilidade social dos bibliotecários em bibliotecas públicas dimensões e ações
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RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação
pt, en
Campinas, SP
Introdução: A responsabilidade social consiste na atuação e no compromisso do profissional em proporcionar serviços e realizar ações voltados às necessidades de seus usuários e à produção de resultados que beneficiem a toda comunidade alvo. Objetivo: O objetivo geral deste artigo é analisar as dimensões e ações relacionadas à responsabilidade social desenvolvidas por bibliotecários em bibliotecas públicas. Metodologia: Caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa descritiva, quali-quantitativa, bibliográfica e documental. Também foram coletados dados em três bibliotecas públicas na cidade do Recife, usando um questionário enviado aos bibliotecários destas bibliotecas através de e–mail. Adicionalmente foram mapeadas atividades e serviços ofertados remotamente, por meio do uso das redes sociais das bibliotecas, durante o período da pandemia do Covid-19, que provocou a suspensão das atividades, a partir de março/2020. Aos dados coletados foi aplicada a análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Como resultado foi realizado o mapeamento de dimensões e ações da função social das bibliotecas relacionadas à responsabilidade social, com base no referencial teórico, em análise documental e na análise dos questionários aplicados às bibliotecas estudadas. Conclusão: Verifica-se que a maioria das práticas de responsabilidade social mapeadas já fazem parte do fazer bibliotecário e que as dimensões ética, política, educacional e cultural contempladas nas atividades biblioteconômicas são abrangidas naquelas dimensões e ações. Logo, a partir dos resultados obtidos, considera-se que é notória a responsabilidade social do bibliotecário e, também, da biblioteca pública enquanto espaço propício à promoção da leitura e da cidadania, ao incentivo da cultura, e à inclusão social e digital.
Introduction: Social responsibility consists of the professional's performance and commitment to provide services and perform actions aimed at the needs of its users and the production of results that benefit the entire target community. Objective: The general objective of this article is to analyze the dimensions and actions related to social responsibility developed by librarians in public libraries. Methodology: It is characterized as a descriptive, quali quantitative, bibliographic and documental research. Data were also collected in three public libraries in the city of Recife, using a questionnaire sent to the librarians of these libraries via e-mail. Additionally, activities and services offered remotely were mapped, through the use of the libraries' social networks, during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, which caused the suspension of the activities, starting in March/2020. Content analysis was applied to the collected data. Results: The result was the mapping of the dimensions and actions of the social function of libraries related to social responsibility, based on the theoretical framework, on document analysis and on the analysis of the questionnaires applied to the libraries studied. Conclusion: It is concluded that most of the mapped social responsibility practices are already part of librarianship and that the ethical, political, educational and cultural dimensions contemplated in librarianship activities are covered in those dimensions and actions. Therefore, it is notorious the social responsibility of the librarian and also of the public library as a space conducive to the promotion of reading and citizenship, the encouragement of culture, and social and digital inclusion.
Introduction: Social responsibility consists of the professional's performance and commitment to provide services and perform actions aimed at the needs of its users and the production of results that benefit the entire target community. Objective: The general objective of this article is to analyze the dimensions and actions related to social responsibility developed by librarians in public libraries. Methodology: It is characterized as a descriptive, quali quantitative, bibliographic and documental research. Data were also collected in three public libraries in the city of Recife, using a questionnaire sent to the librarians of these libraries via e-mail. Additionally, activities and services offered remotely were mapped, through the use of the libraries' social networks, during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, which caused the suspension of the activities, starting in March/2020. Content analysis was applied to the collected data. Results: The result was the mapping of the dimensions and actions of the social function of libraries related to social responsibility, based on the theoretical framework, on document analysis and on the analysis of the questionnaires applied to the libraries studied. Conclusion: It is concluded that most of the mapped social responsibility practices are already part of librarianship and that the ethical, political, educational and cultural dimensions contemplated in librarianship activities are covered in those dimensions and actions. Therefore, it is notorious the social responsibility of the librarian and also of the public library as a space conducive to the promotion of reading and citizenship, the encouragement of culture, and social and digital inclusion.
Serviços de biblioteca, Bibliotecas públicas, Responsabilidade social do bibliotecário, Promoção do uso da biblioteca, Inclusão social, Library services, Public libraries, Librarian's social responsibility, Promotion of library use, Social inclusion
FERREIRA, Fernanda Bernardo; SIEBRA, Sandra de Albuquerque. A responsabilidade social dos bibliotecários em bibliotecas públicas dimensões e ações. Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação. Campinas, SP, v. 19, p. e021022. 2021-09-15. 10.20396/rdbci.v19i00.8665764. Disponível em: https://www.scielo.br/j/rdbci/a/fQBLxgDvd746Tjy6pRGptdJ/?lang=pt#. Acesso em: 2024-05-13