Percepção sobre o compartilhamento de conhecimento entre avaliadores sob a ótica dos editores científicos
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RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação
pt, en
Campinas, SP
Introdução/Objetivo: Visa analisar a percepção de editores sobre a contribuição do compartilhamento de conhecimento entre avaliadores de artigos científicos, visando o aperfeiçoamento da elaboração de pareceres. Métodos: O estudo é do tipo exploratório, realizado por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, associada ao questionário como técnica de coleta de dados. Para análise dos dados obtidos aplicou-se a análise de conteúdo. Resultados: O instrumento foi enviado via correio eletrônico e obteve o retorno de 32 editores de diversas áreas do conhecimento, sendo a maioria da área de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas e mais da metade possuem seis ou mais anos de atuação. Identificou-se que a maior parte dos respondentes acreditam que o compartilhamento de conhecimento entre avaliadores contribui para o aperfeiçoamento dos mesmos e de seus pareceres, e apesar de reconhecerem tal contribuição, 87,5% afirmam não existir, no periódico em que atuam, iniciativas que proponham a troca de conhecimentos. Por fim, quando indagados sobre ter conhecimento a respeito de iniciativas semelhantes, mesmo que em outros âmbitos, alguns respondentes afirmam conhecer e citam: as práticas propostas por editoras internacionais, que realizam webinários e disponibilizam conteúdos em seus websites, os projetos e eventos da Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos, grupos de WhatsApp e lista de e-mails, além da interação proposta pelas práticas da avaliação por pares aberta. Conclusão: A partir do exposto, compreende-se que os editores percebem a relevância do compartilhamento de conhecimento entre os avaliadores, no entanto, ainda não colocaram em prática tais iniciativas nos periódicos em que atuam.
Introduction/Objective: It aims to analyze the perception of editors about the contribution of knowledge sharing among reviewers of scientific articles, aiming at the improvement of the elaboration of reviews. Methods: The study is of exploratory type, conducted through bibliographic research, associated with the questionnaire as a technique for data collection. Content analysis was applied to analyze the data obtained. Results: The instrument was sent via e-mail and 32 editors from various areas of knowledge returned, most of them from the area of Applied Social Sciences, and more than half have six or more years of experience. It was found that most respondents believe that sharing knowledge among reviewers contributes to their improvement and to the improvement of their opinions, and although they recognize such contribution, 87.5% claim that there are no initiatives in the journal where they work that propose the exchange of knowledge. Finally, when asked about having knowledge about similar initiatives, even if in other spheres, some respondents claim to know and cite: the practices proposed by international publishers, which hold webinars and make content available on their websites, the projects and events of the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors, WhatsApp groups and email lists, and the interaction proposed by the practices of open peer review. Conclusions: Based on the above, it is understood that editors perceive the relevance of knowledge sharing among reviewers, however, they have not yet put into practice such initiatives in the journals in which they work.
Introduction/Objective: It aims to analyze the perception of editors about the contribution of knowledge sharing among reviewers of scientific articles, aiming at the improvement of the elaboration of reviews. Methods: The study is of exploratory type, conducted through bibliographic research, associated with the questionnaire as a technique for data collection. Content analysis was applied to analyze the data obtained. Results: The instrument was sent via e-mail and 32 editors from various areas of knowledge returned, most of them from the area of Applied Social Sciences, and more than half have six or more years of experience. It was found that most respondents believe that sharing knowledge among reviewers contributes to their improvement and to the improvement of their opinions, and although they recognize such contribution, 87.5% claim that there are no initiatives in the journal where they work that propose the exchange of knowledge. Finally, when asked about having knowledge about similar initiatives, even if in other spheres, some respondents claim to know and cite: the practices proposed by international publishers, which hold webinars and make content available on their websites, the projects and events of the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors, WhatsApp groups and email lists, and the interaction proposed by the practices of open peer review. Conclusions: Based on the above, it is understood that editors perceive the relevance of knowledge sharing among reviewers, however, they have not yet put into practice such initiatives in the journals in which they work.
Gestão do conhecimento, Editores científicos, Compartilhamento de conhecimento, Knowledge management, Editors, Knowledge sharing
MAIA, Francisca C. de Andrade; FARIAS, Gabriela Belmont de; FARIAS, Maria Giovanna Guedes. Percepção sobre o compartilhamento de conhecimento entre avaliadores sob a ótica dos editores científicos. Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação. Campinas, SP, v. 20, p. e022003. 2022-01-16. 10.20396/rdbci.v20i00.8667456. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2024-05-13