A importância da música e das atividades lúdicas visuoespaciais no processo ensino-aprendizagem da educação infantil em tempos de pandemia
Nível teórico
Título do Períodico
Evidência: Olhares e Pesquisa em Saberes Educacionais
Araxá, MG
O período pandêmico trouxe para a escola diversas modificações urgentes a fim de que a aprendizagem das crianças continuasse sendo desenvolvida no dia a dia. Para a Educação Infantil houve grandes dificuldades a fim de que o processo de ensino e aprendizagem pudesse atingir os objetivos a que se propõe a esta fase escolar. Assim, percebe-se que a falta de interação entre professor e alunos e entre as próprias crianças gerou diversas
consequências negativas para o seu desenvolvimento entre 0 e 5 anos. Todavia, observou-se que, por meio do lúdico, da brincadeira e da música, é possível diminuir as deficiências no processo educativo durante as aulas remotas. Diante desta realidade, o artigo que ora se propõe, buscou, por meio da revisão bibliográfica e ainda, por meio de pesquisa de campo, compreender o papel das atividades lúdicas para a construção de competências e habilidades necessárias às crianças da Educação Infantil. Para tanto, foram requisitadas as teorias clássicas do desenvolvimento Infantil de Vygotsky e outros estudos mais recentes publicados, sobretudo, após os anos 2010, com o objetivo de compreender como tais pensadores valorizam as atividades lúdicas, musicais e visuoespaciais para o desenvolvimento das crianças. Ademais, ainda se analisou a legislação atual, dando ênfase à BNCC, para observar como ela prescreve o uso dessas atividades para as aulas com crianças de creches e pré-escolas. Por fim, pôde-se, por meio de pesquisa de campo, avaliar, no processo pandêmico, a educação infantil desenvolvida em escolas da rede municipal da cidade de Araxá - Minas Gerais.
The pandemic period brought several urgent changes to the school so that children’s learning continued to be developed on a daily basis. For Early Childhood Education, there were great difficulties so that the teaching and learning process could achieve the objectives proposed for this school phase. Thus, it is clear that the lack of interaction between teacher and students and between the children themselves generated several negative consequences for their development between 0 and 5 years old. However, it was observed that, through play, games and music, it is possible to reduce deficiencies in the educational process during remote classes. In view of this reality, the article proposed here sought, through a bibliographic review and also, through field research, to understand the role of playful activities for the construction of skills and abilities necessary for children in Early Childhood Education. To this end, Vygotsky’s classical theories of Child Development and other more recent studies published, especially after the 2010s, were requested, in order to understand how such thinkers value playful, musical and visuospatial activities for children’s development. In addition, the current legislation was also analyzed, emphasizing the BNCC, to observe how it prescribes the use of these activities for classes with children in day care centers and preschools. Finally, it was possible, through field research, to evaluate, in the pandemic process, early childhood education developed in schools in the municipal network of the city of Araxá - Minas Gerais.
The pandemic period brought several urgent changes to the school so that children’s learning continued to be developed on a daily basis. For Early Childhood Education, there were great difficulties so that the teaching and learning process could achieve the objectives proposed for this school phase. Thus, it is clear that the lack of interaction between teacher and students and between the children themselves generated several negative consequences for their development between 0 and 5 years old. However, it was observed that, through play, games and music, it is possible to reduce deficiencies in the educational process during remote classes. In view of this reality, the article proposed here sought, through a bibliographic review and also, through field research, to understand the role of playful activities for the construction of skills and abilities necessary for children in Early Childhood Education. To this end, Vygotsky’s classical theories of Child Development and other more recent studies published, especially after the 2010s, were requested, in order to understand how such thinkers value playful, musical and visuospatial activities for children’s development. In addition, the current legislation was also analyzed, emphasizing the BNCC, to observe how it prescribes the use of these activities for classes with children in day care centers and preschools. Finally, it was possible, through field research, to evaluate, in the pandemic process, early childhood education developed in schools in the municipal network of the city of Araxá - Minas Gerais.
Educação Infantil, Música, Lúdico, Atividades visuoespaciais, Early Childhood Education, Music, Ludic, Visuospatial activities
VIEIRA, Rafaella Arianne; ANDRADE, Maria Celeste de Moura. A importância da música e das atividades lúdicas visuoespaciais no processo ensino-aprendizagem da educação infantil em tempos de pandemia. Evidência: Olhares e Pesquisa em Saberes Educacionais, p. 69-80. 2022. Disponível em: https://ojs.uniaraxa.edu.br/index.php/evidencia/article/view/846/940. Acesso em: 2024-07-17