Cloud Services e o padrão PREMIS rumos para a preservação digital
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RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação
pt, en
Campinas, SP
Introdução: A preservação digital tem sido uma das preocupações de diversas áreas do conhecimento, em espe cial da Ciência da Informação que, por meio da adoção e do uso efetivo dos metadados e dos padrõ es de metadados disponíveis oferece respaldo para o tratamento de recursos em ambientes digitais. Objetivo: O objetivo dessa pesquisa consiste no estudo do padrão de meta dados PREMIS e sua relação com os Cloud Services. Metodologia: A Revisão Sistemática da Literatura foi o método que possibilitou a construção de um referencial teórico consolidado da relação do padrão de metadados PREMIS para a preservação digital em Cloud Services . Resultados: Como resultados, são apresentadas as discu ssões, as ações e as iniciativas encontradas na literatu ra científica internacional que versam sobre o uso de padrões de metadados em Cloud Service , bem como os casos que abordam o PREMIS, na perspectiva dos Cloud Services; além disso, o estudo da relação das unidades semânticas do Dicionário de Dados PREMIS em Cloud Services. Conclusão: Conclui-se que, diante do cenário tecnológico vigente, caracterizado pela heterogeneidade de recursos informacionais, o Dicionário de Dados PRE MIS com suas unidades semânti cas apres enta importância capital para o estabelecimento da preserv ação digital em Cloud Services.
Introduction: Digital preservation has been one of the concerns of several areas of knowledge, espec ially Information Science, which, through the adoption and effective use of metadata and available metadata standards, supports the treatment of resources in digital environments. Objective: The objective of this research is to study the PREMIS metadata standard and its relationship with Cloud Services. Methodology: The Systema tic Literature Review was the method that enabled the constructi on of a consolidated theoretical reference of the PREMIS metadata standard relationship for digital preservation in Cloud Services. Results: As a result , the discussions, actions, and initiatives found in the international scientific literature that deal with the use of metadata standards in Cloud Service are presented, as well as the cases that address PREMIS, from the perspective of Cloud Services; in a ddition, the study of the relationship o f the seman tic units of the PREMIS Data Dictionary in Clou d Services. Conclusion: It is concluded that, in view of the current technological scenario, characterized by the heterogeneity of information resources, the PREMIS Data Dictionary with its semantic units is o f paramount importance for the establishment of digital preservation in Cloud Services.
Introduction: Digital preservation has been one of the concerns of several areas of knowledge, espec ially Information Science, which, through the adoption and effective use of metadata and available metadata standards, supports the treatment of resources in digital environments. Objective: The objective of this research is to study the PREMIS metadata standard and its relationship with Cloud Services. Methodology: The Systema tic Literature Review was the method that enabled the constructi on of a consolidated theoretical reference of the PREMIS metadata standard relationship for digital preservation in Cloud Services. Results: As a result , the discussions, actions, and initiatives found in the international scientific literature that deal with the use of metadata standards in Cloud Service are presented, as well as the cases that address PREMIS, from the perspective of Cloud Services; in a ddition, the study of the relationship o f the seman tic units of the PREMIS Data Dictionary in Clou d Services. Conclusion: It is concluded that, in view of the current technological scenario, characterized by the heterogeneity of information resources, the PREMIS Data Dictionary with its semantic units is o f paramount importance for the establishment of digital preservation in Cloud Services.
Preservação digital, Cloud services, Metadados, Padrões de metadados, PREMIS, Digital preservation, Cloud services, Metadata, Metadata standards, PREMIS
CASTRO, Fabiano Ferreira de; ALVES, Rachel Cristina Vesú. Cloud Services e o padrão PREMIS rumos para a preservação digital. Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação. Campinas, SP, v. 19, p. e021001. 2021-01-13. 10.20396/rdbci.v18i00.8661384. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2024-05-13