Competências para esinar no século XXI: desafios e facilidades na atuação docente
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Evidência: Olhares e Pesquisa em Saberes Educacionais
Araxá, MG
Este artigo pretende analisar as competências necessárias para ensinar no século XXI e os desafios e as facilidades encontradas pelos docentes em sua atuação, nos dias de hoje. O intuito é abordar de maneira clara, como se dá as propostas educativas para os novos tempos e como está a realidade dos professores frente a esse desafio. As reflexões sobre a história da atuação docente e do desenvolvimento educacional no Brasil, nos permite analisar a trajetória da nossa educação. Esta pesquisa nos permite descrever as competências necessárias para atuação docente no século XXI, os desafios e as facilidades a serem encontradas na jornada. Aplicamos uma pesquisa de campo, com professoras do Ensino Fundamental anos iniciais, e formandas do curso de Pedagogia, que procurou analisar as opiniões das mesmas acerca das propostas educacionais do século XXI, e os desafios e as facilidades encontrados na atuação docente atual. A partir desse estudo, podemos afirmar que existem competências necessárias para a atuação docente no século XXI, e que facilidades e desafios fazem parte da atuação dos professores atualmente.
This article aims to analyze the skills necessary to teach in the 21st century and the challengs and facilities encountered by teachers in their work today. The intention is to clearly address how the educational proposals for the new times take place and how is the reality of teachers in the face of this challenge. The reflections on the history of teaching performance and educational developmente in Brazil allow us to describe the skills necessary for teaching performance in the 21st century, the challenges and facilities to be found in the journey. We applied a field research, with elementary school teachers in the early years and graduates of the pedagogy course. Which sought to analyze their opinions about the educational proposals os the 21st century and the challenges and facilities encountered in current teching performance. From this study we can affirm that there are skills necessary for teaching performance in the 21st century and the facilities and challenges are part of the performance of teachers today.
This article aims to analyze the skills necessary to teach in the 21st century and the challengs and facilities encountered by teachers in their work today. The intention is to clearly address how the educational proposals for the new times take place and how is the reality of teachers in the face of this challenge. The reflections on the history of teaching performance and educational developmente in Brazil allow us to describe the skills necessary for teaching performance in the 21st century, the challenges and facilities to be found in the journey. We applied a field research, with elementary school teachers in the early years and graduates of the pedagogy course. Which sought to analyze their opinions about the educational proposals os the 21st century and the challenges and facilities encountered in current teching performance. From this study we can affirm that there are skills necessary for teaching performance in the 21st century and the facilities and challenges are part of the performance of teachers today.
Atuação docente, Competências, Desafios, Facilidades, Século XXI, Teaching performance, Skills, Challenges, Facilities, 21st century
BARROS, Geovana Hordones Ferreira; CORRÊA, Juliana de Oliveira. Competências para esinar no século XXI:
desafios e facilidades na atuação docente. Evidência: Olhares e Pesquisa em Saberes Educacionais, p. 27-42. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2024-07-17