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- ItemAvaliação na Educação Infantil: que saberes mobilizar?(2023) LANES, Erone; TIMM, Jordana WruckA avaliação na Educação Infantil se diferencia expressivamente da avaliação nas demais etapas da educação e representa um desafio tanto para a elaboração de documentos norteadores quanto para o desenvolvimento das práticas. A proposta deste estudo bibliográfico consiste em apresentar reflexões sobre a avaliação nesta etapa, tomando como ponto de partida aspectos pertinentes ao conceito de avaliação definido pelas orientações legais em vigência e pelas discussões teóricas específicas da área, com o objetivode identificar como e quais saberes docentes os/as professores/as mobilizam no processo avaliativo. Destaca-se o papel fundamental dos/as docentes como agentes políticos comprometidos e transformadores das práticas. Considera-se a necessidade de que os textos dos documentos legais referentes à avaliação apresentem orientações mais específicas e aprofundadas no sentido de possibilitar clareza quanto à finalidade da avaliação na Educação Infantil. Propõem-se a adoção de uma perspectiva organizacional para o processo avaliativo, considerado como complexo e não linear. Conclui-se que, para além de definir um conjunto de saberes docentes mobilizados na avaliação, importa compreender que o processo é reflexivo, permanente, contínuo e mesmo que se repita um númeroindefinido de vezes, sempre haverá aspectos a serem revisitados, tanto no percurso avaliativo adotado, quanto nos saberes mobilizados.
- ItemEstágio docente como prática pedagógica(2019) SENGIK, Aline Sberse; TIMM, Jordana Wruck; STOBÄUS, Claus DieterThis article aims to reflect on the relevance of teaching internshipin teacher’s education, duringperforming a Course of Pedagogical Training orMaster/Doctorate. In this sense, it is believed that the practice carried out in the classroom by the in stageprofessional can and should best instrumentalizehe/herpedagogically. It was made an analysis based on the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Basic Education Teacher Training (BRAZIL, 2002), and adopted for the theoretical referential, among others, Freire (2009), Nóvoa (1995), Palombini (2004), Pimenta; Lima (2005/2006), Ramirez; Stobäus (2010), Tardif; Lessard (2005), Veiga (2010). This is a theoretical and practical reflection on teacher’s education experienced on the discipline "Supervised Stage II", at the end Special Program of Teacher Education, at the University of Caxias do Sul. The research focused on the analysis of experienced interactions of the teachers with their students, and they analyzed about the possible resistances and obstacles that these relations can cause in the classroom. Allows comments that the stage is critical in the preparation of future teachers while teaching practice, as it allows to handle (im)predictabilities involving the teaching work and integrating theories with practices, rethinking, reevaluating and giving new meaning to their actions in the classroom. Also allows (re)knowschool realities, intervene, (re)assess (personal and professional results), making it possible for this future professional to be more flexible in face of the various demands that result from teaching.
- ItemEstágio docente como prática pedagógica(2019) SENGIK, Aline Sberse; TIMM, Jordana Wruck; STOBÄUS, Claus DieterThis article aims to reflect on the relevance of teaching internshipin teacher’s education, duringperforming a Course of Pedagogical Training orMaster/Doctorate. In this sense, it is believed that the practice carried out in the classroom by the in stageprofessional can and should best instrumentalizehe/herpedagogically. It was made an analysis based on the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Basic Education Teacher Training (BRAZIL, 2002), and adopted for the theoretical referential, among others, Freire (2009), Nóvoa (1995), Palombini (2004), Pimenta; Lima (2005/2006), Ramirez; Stobäus (2010), Tardif; Lessard (2005), Veiga (2010). This is a theoretical and practical reflection on teacher’s education experienced on the discipline "Supervised Stage II", at the end Special Program of Teacher Education, at the University of Caxias do Sul. The research focused on the analysis of experienced interactions of the teachers with their students, and they analyzed about the possible resistances and obstacles that these relations can cause in the classroom. Allows comments that the stage is critical in the preparation of future teachers while teaching practice, as it allows to handle (im)predictabilities involving the teaching work and integrating theories with practices, rethinking, reevaluating and giving new meaning to their actions in the classroom. Also allows (re)knowschool realities, intervene, (re)assess (personal and professional results), making it possible for this future professional to be more flexible in face of the various demands that result from teaching.
- ItemNecessidades psicológicas básicas: definições operacionais na docência universitária(2017) DAVOGLIO, Tarcia Rita; TIMM, Jordana Wruck; SANTOS, Bettina Steren dos; CONZATTI, Fernanda de Brito KulmannSelf-Determination Theory (SDT) maintains that the autonomous quality of motivation results from the balanced interaction between internal demands of the self and contextual nutrients from the satisfaction of basic psychological needs (NPB) of autonomy, competence and relatedness. This qualitative study aims to explore the operational definitions of NPB in the context of teaching in Higher Education. For this purpose, a sample of higher education academics answered, anonymously and voluntarily, three open questions, which analyzed by Discursive Textual Analysis. As a result, seven operational descriptors emerged defining autonomy, as well as a critical subcategory; seven of these are for competence and five for relatedness, which arediscussed in detail and in relation to teaching in Higher Education. Although confined to a single sample, results are potentially relevant for our understanding and advances in the field of motivational as well as for the promotion of policies focusing on satisfying and meeting the psychological well-being of Higher Education faculty members.