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- ItemCobertura municipal da educação profissional via regime de colaboração: uma prática possível?(2007) SOUZA, Donaldo Bello de; RAMOS, Marise Nogueira; DELUIZ, NeiseThe article discusses the difficulties of commitment of the public municipal education system with the local demands for Professional Education, taking in consideration the possibility to do it through a Contribution Regimen amorg the federate beings. In order to demostrate these reflections, the article shows some of the results of a research conducted in various municipalities of the state of Rio de Janeiro. As a general result we conclude that the Government Cooperation throgh the Contribuition System is still timid and fragile when it comes to profissional educaion, creating space for the private sector (the S System as Senai, Senat among other hand, the scientific production in this field is in its early stages, making it difficult to understand the role of the Profissioanl Education in the scope of the educational sphere as an object of cooperation among the federate beings.
- ItemOs Conselhos Municipais de Educação no Brasil: um balanço das referências nacionais (1996-2002)(2006) SOUZA, Donaldo Bello de; VASCONCELOS, Maria Celi ChavesThe present task was done based on an expressive draft of the scientific Brazilian production about the theme Politics, Administration and Finance of the Municipal Public Systems of Education in Brazil, between 1996-2002 which resulted in a summary of 355 published references in the country, corresponding to the production of about 266 authors. From this theme analysis, emerged, between other questions, data that permitted a brief balance about the theoric – conceptual and theoric – empirical production that verse on the councils of the education area in Brazil, referring to that period, focusing, specially, on the references that take as a central object or a secondary one of the Municipal Council of Education (CMEs) and the Council of Accompamiment and Social Control (CACSs) considering three segments from this last type of council: from FUNDEF, from PNAE and from the actual Scholarship Family Program. As a summary of its main results, unitially, it can be showed the fact that no studies were turned to the last two Federal programs, having exclusively, a low concentration of work in FUNDEF. Individual references reign, whose scientific production, mainly, is originally from the Southeru Region, being appealing the worries about the problem of the participation of the local society on councils. Finally, it's na urge for the necessity to understand better the nature and functioning of these councils, turning the objects from a wider quantitative and qualitative universe, focusing, above all, the social intervention.
- ItemPolíticas de financiamento da educação municipal no Brasil (1996-2002): das disposições legais equalizadoras às práticas político-institucionais excludentes(2004) SOUZA, Donaldo Bello de; FARIA, Lia Ciomar Macedo deThe article seeks to examine the public policies that serve to finance Municipal Education in Brazil, taking into account the process of decentralization of education, starting in the second half of the 1980s and deepening in the 1990s. It concludes, among other aspects, that the issue that has marked the debates on the financing of education in Brazil for the last seven years, is the need to overcome the barriers and limits of FUNDEF, in order to evolve into a new Fund that is capable of: transposing the cultural model historically exclusive and unequal; respect the levels and modalities of teaching that make up and affect Basic Education; and, finally, to contemplate, in effect, the valorization of the teaching profession. However, it draws attention to the fact that this does not mean advocating the supremacy of a Transfer Instrumentalization Fund (which, in itself, is not a legal entity, not even a budgetary agency) over the political-social relations established on the basis of the Collaboration Regime. On the contrary, it is worth emphasizing that, by itself, FUNDEF (like other Special Funds, even if the creation of FUNDEF is considered), represents only a standard of financial management of resources and not a regulation of social relations .