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- ItemDireito ao ensino superior e Educação do Campo: avanços e possibilidades para o Plano Nacional de Educação 2024-2034(2024) MOLINA, Mônica Castagna; PEREIRA, Marcelo Fabiano Rodrigues; SANTANA, Jullyane FrazãoEste artigo apresenta uma análise do Documento Final da Conferência Nacional de Educação – Conae 2024, com o objetivo de discutir seus principais elementos relativos a políticas públicas de Educação do Campo e formação de professores/as. Ancora-se no Materialismo Histórico-Dialético para a análise documental, na qual discutimos avanços e possibilidades apresentados pela Conae 2024, bem como os elementos que consideramos essenciais a serem mantidos e reafirmados. Os resultados mostram que os eixos elencados no Documento abordam diversas questões historicamente defendidas pelos coletivos organizados do campo em suas lutas pela educação superior como um direito a ser garantido por ações afirmativas. Essas questões englobam acesso, permanência, condições de oferta, princípios de formação e pós-formação dos/das camponeses/as na Educação Superior, aspectos que são fundamentais e devem ser incluídos e monitorados na implementação do Plano Nacional de Educação 2024-2034.
- ItemFigurações de discentes de um programa de formação de professores no ensino superior do Brasil: traçando seus modos de ser(2017) MELO, Samuel Pires; OLIVEIRA, Leonam Costa; SANTANA, Jullyane FrazãoIn this study, we try to trace some vectors of the ways of being of students of a course of the National Teacher Training Plan (PARFOR) at a Federal University in Northeast Brazil. These are students with differentiated demand from that proposed by the regular courses of Brazilian higher education. Faced with this, it is questioned to what extent these specificities make it possible to locate singular identity process. Quantitative and qualitative approaches were used, with application of questionnaires and interviews, and analysis of data by excel and maps of association of ideas. The results indicate general, but also specific, ways of being that are built in the process of entry and permanence, namely:family, spatial, gender, school, teaching practice and perspectives for the future. This allows us to say that these students circumscribe identity processes on diverse webs of socio-spatial interaction.
- ItemJuventude rural e ensino superior público : trajetórias de estudantes de um campus universitário público do nordeste do Brasil.(2020) MELO, Samuel Pires; BRAGA, Osmar Rufino; SANTANA, Jullyane FrazãoIn recent years, there has been a process of internalization of higher education in Brazil, resulting mainly from the public policy of restructuring and expansion of federal universities, instituted in 2007. However, to what extent this process can be considered as changes in life trajectories of historically marginalized social groups? To trigger such a discussion, this article analyzes the school trajectories of young rural students from a public university campus in northeastern Brazil. This is a quantitative, descriptive study with random sampling of students from the exact and biological sciences courses, in which the questionnaire and field diary were used as data collection instruments; descriptive statistics and content analysis, as procedures for analyzing these data. The results pointed to a profile of young people ranging in age from 18 to 33 years; school trajectory of migration to city spaces, as motivation to continue studies due to the precariousness of education in rural spaces; and future prospects for higher education aiming at the financial rise to help the family and its territories. Therefore, this study suggests that the internalization and expansion programs of federal universities are being an ally in the changing trajectories of young people in rural areas.